Dr. Elizabeth Rauscher, PhD., received her BS in Chemistry and Physics, her MS in Nuclear Engineering and her PhD in Nuclear Science and Astrophysics from the University of California, Berkeley. She taught and conducted resrach at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in U.C. Berkeley from 1962-1981. She also conducted research at Stanford’s SRI International Radio[hysics laboratory 1974-1978. She started and chaired the Fundamantal Physics Group at LBNL on topics related to the foundations of quantum theory from 1974-1978. She worked on the NASA Space Shuttle for 3 years from 1982-1985 and held 4 Navy grants from 1970 to 1974, 1983, and 1992-1993.She was a delegate to the United Nations on long-term energy sources 1979, 1989. She has presented and published 8 books and over 285 papers and holds 6 U.S. patents on medical devices and detectors. Her research has been on relativity, nuclear, plasma, atomic plasma and astrophysics. She has always been curious about the nature of life, the structure of the cosmos, the environment and energy sources, and our role in the Universe.